How To Clear Out Your Wardrobe Like A Boss

We have the privilege of working with many in the professional organiser and stylist communities - helping their clients re-sell large quantities of clothes after a major wardrobe clear-out.

We've picked up a few tips from these wardrobe experts along the way on how to tackle a clear-out. While there's plenty of great nuggets of advice out there, we've picked out the 5 points we liked the best to create our own (totally unofficial) guide. One caveat, you might want to give those poor neglected holiday clothes a bit of leeway beyond the 6/12 month rule after the year we've had!

Wardrobe declutter

If you've never heard of Marie Kondo (pictured below) - look her up! Even if you don't believe in the approach, you can't deny she has had a HUGE impact. "Marie Kondo-mania" is a real thing, and is used as a byword to describe the rise of decluttering and organising as a subject, psychology and trend in modern life.


wardrobe declutter marie kondo

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